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  The Return of dEFCON4 - dEFCONairsoft!
arnies | 2006.10.03-04:49 | ȸ: 19640 | õ :0 õ :0
   ũ #1  Ÿ php Դϴ. http://www.arniesairsoft.co.uk/dyn_news/rss.php (3258)
   ũ #2  Ÿ php?go=news&subaction=showfull&id=1159461220&archive=1159657208 Դϴ. http://www.arniesairsoft.co.uk/index.php?go=news&subaction=showfull&id=1159461220&archive=1159657208 (3306)
More good news regarding Airsoft! Steve of dEFCON4 has been in touch to let us know that his site is re-opening:
You covered an article back in 2001 (http://www.arniesairsoft.co.uk/?filnavn=/news/july01_2.htm ) which detailed the closure of my website dEFCON4. Well, I've decided to start the website back up, under the new name of dEFCONairsoft again to support Airsoft in the UK.

The website site can be found at http://www.defconairsoft.co.uk , but is is still under development and needs help from fellow airsofters to get off the ground. I was wondering whether you could post something on the news page to let everyone know it's back.

I'm after reviews and technical articles to help building the content back up again. So if anybody has any spare time on their hands, and wishes to review their new toy, please get in touch.

Many thanks for your time.
Steve (dEFCONairsoft)
Beyond feeling a bit nostalgic seeing that news link, I also sure you'll all be pleased to see an old site returning to the airsofting scene. All of the Arnies staff would like to wish Steve the best of luck for the future, as I am sure all you guys will as well. If you can support Steve in any way, then please contact him via the link provided, and be sure to check his site for new updates as more info goes live. :)

IP:  (211..165.28)
Comment (1) | Ʈϱ
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nder 2020.05.22-04:19
et off the ground. I was woing whether you c

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