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 ÷ ̹ Դϴ. Ŭ  â ϴ. 45. AirsoftSearch 1.3 Released (1) best
Visionviper on the forums (the creator of AirsoftCalc) has been in touch to notify everyone that he latest version of AirsoftSearch has been released! For all those unaware, this is a useful browser p
arnies | 2006.10.03 | 18280
 ÷ ̹ Դϴ. Ŭ  â ϴ. 44. The Return of dEFCON4 - dEFCONairsoft! (1) best
More good news regarding Airsoft! Steve of dEFCON4 has been in touch to let us know that his site is re-opening:You covered an article back in 2001 (http://www.arniesairsoft.co.uk/?filnavn=/news/jul
arnies | 2006.10.03 | 19640
 ÷ ̹ Դϴ. Ŭ  â ϴ. 43. AG:USA Registration begins (1) best
Arnie Geddon USA Registration is now open! Registration for the fall gathering of American Arnies members is now officially accepting pre-registration. The amount is $30 and will be paid through payp
arnies | 2006.10.03 | 19645
 ÷ ̹ Դϴ. Ŭ  â ϴ. 42. KWC desert Eagle Revew by Gene (1) best
Just to let you know, we have a review up of the brand new KWC Desert Eagle provided by Airsplat. It's got a metal slide and barrel and shoots pretty well! As with all our reviews, it's up in the data
arnies | 2006.10.03 | 18567
 ÷ ̹ Դϴ. Ŭ  â ϴ. 41. Airtronics: New NZ Retailer (1) best
Well folks, I have to say that this piece of news should be an eye-catching one for you chaps out there resenting the lack of burst-fire on your aegs. A new store in New Zealand has been set up, speci
arnies | 2006.10.03 | 18883
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